Ponsonby Community Centre has been at 20 Ponsonby Terrace since 1990.
The building is owned by Auckland Council, but is independently run by locals. As a community-led organisation we want to offer our community a range of activities and services that they’ll enjoy, will benefit from and which give them an opportunity to connect with others. We want to be accessible, inclusive and representative of the diversity in Ponsonby and the surrounding suburbs.
We currently have activities for many different ages and stages but would like to know if we are missing anything. Are our prices fair and accessible? Are there any events you would like to see happening locally? Is information about our activities easy to find? Does our preschool meet the needs of our community?
During September we would love to hear from everyone with thoughts on what’s working well, what could change and what you would like to see offered at the community centre in the future.
Please go online www.ponsonbycommunity.org.nz or drop in during the day and either have a chat with staff or pick up a questionnaire.
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