Moody tones

The latest collection of crystals and fossilised sculptures from ASH&STONE is here.

Large Polished Fossilised Ammonite
The crystal formations growing within the chambers of this fossil are delicate and give a softness to its formation. An exceptional piece.

Large Septarian Free Form Crystal
Distinct for its cracking patterns and velvet-like druzy formations, Septarian is believed to have formed some 60 million years ago.

Large Picture Jasper Crystal Bookends
So named for its depiction of landscapes or images, Picture Jasper is valued for its organic artistry. This lion’s head is an exquisite example.

Large Orthoceras Fossilised Sculpture
With striking black and white shell patterns, Orthoceras is estimated to be some 370 million years old. This sculpture stands at over 48cm tall.

Drop by ASH&STONE at 3 Redmond Street, Ponsonby to view, or visit

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