Hon Melissa Lee: National List MP based in Mt Albert

The Government recently announced its first Budget, dedicating funding to essential frontline services such as health, education and police.

We’re doing what we said we would do – reducing wasteful government spending and putting money where it matters to you.

New Zealanders will also experience meaningful tax relief for the first time in 14 years. From the end of this month, average-income households will be better off by up to $102 a fortnight. We know families across Auckland and the rest of the country have been doing it tough with the cost-of-living crisis, and this is our way of helping you keep more of your own money.

What’s more, we’ve fully funded this tax relief through savings and revenue initiatives. This means the Government isn’t borrowing to fund it and it won't add to inflation.

If you haven’t done so already, check out our online tax calculator to see just how much you will be better off. At the time of writing, more than 400,000 people have used the calculator! Just head along to budget.govt.nz/taxcalculator

We’re realistic that we can’t fix all of New Zealand’s challenges in one go. But this is the clean-up job that New Zealand needed after six years of economic mismanagement, and a crucial step in our plan to rebuild the economy. Budget 2024 has laid real foundations for growth in New Zealand for years to come.

It’s something I’m passionate about as Minister for Economic Development. In this role, there’s a wide range of things I can look at to support various sectors of our economy, whether it’s helping innovative Kiwi export businesses take their products and solutions to the world, to attracting major global events that will have flow-on benefits across our economy.

The next of these major events is actually based in Auckland and coming up very soon: the World Choir Games, the world’s biggest choir competition, will take place in this city from 10 – 20 July. Around 11,000 people from around the world will be visiting Auckland to participate in the festival, delivering a massive boost to the city’s economy. With its rich cultural diversity, Auckland is the perfect place to host this event, which will be a fantastic celebration of cultures (there are choirs registered from more than 30 countries).

With the event conveniently based in venues around central Auckland, I encourage you and the whole family to check it out.

Thank you to everyone who attended my various community events last month – I always take pleasure in meeting people around Mt Albert and beyond and hearing their views first hand. I have another Seniors’ Morning Tea coming up on Thursday 18 July, 10.30am at the Point Chevalier Community Centre.

If you’d like to come along, please email me at MPlee@parliament.govt.nz to RSVP and for details. I hope to see you there. Until next time. (Hon Melissa Lee) National List MP based in Mt Albert

Authorised by Melissa Lee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington


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