Letter to the Editor: Auckland Transport - the bureaucratic monstrosity

I would like to add my frustration to the many previous letters about the bureaucratic monstrosity that Auckland Transport has become

The ratepayers of Auckland would need to consider that Auckland Transport should be disestablished. I am one of the thousands of Auckland motorists who are fed up with driving around in a given suburb. Each area within the city there are a multitude of road works, thousands of road cones, put out by at any time by contractors without any local notification and without impunity.

Driving around Auckland and getting to your destination is now an irritation with hundreds of roadworks in every area signs advising 'Road closed' 'Detour' 'Footpath closed use other side' 'Cycle lane closed' ' 'Prepare to stop' .

The decisions of the overpaid bureaucrats who are out of touch with reality is evident in the installation of unjustified traffic lights on minor intersections; cycle lanes that few cyclists use, that start and finish at no particular destinations. (eg. corner of Mt Albert Road and Frost Road) Pedestrian refuges that no one uses.

Speed humps that further aggravate motorists. Road markings that are could be interpreted as practice for artists using their paintbrush (eg: outside Grey Lynn Primary school). Dysfunctional traffic lights and directional lanes at many traffic light intersections that impede traffic flow that result in a backlog of queues (eg: Mt Albert and Carrington Road intersection).

The current mayor who campaigned on fixing Auckland Transport seems to be powerless or has lost interest in stopping the onslaught of roadworks and stupid decisions that infuriate and aggravate all road users. I would suggest letting Auckland Transport just operate the trains with road, footpath maintenance and upkeep could be transferred back in control of Auckland Council.

The above is all evident when Meola Road reopens. There will be more traffic problems with the road that is now narrower than before, an excess of speed bumps and the bus stop that is not offset from the road. I expect there will be one big community backlash on our millions on our ratepayers money spent on upgrading a major thoroughfare , which cause further frustrations for motorists and make Auckland Transport more unpopular than ever.

Mike Maran
Pt Chevalier

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Published: May 2024