So nice to know we have people of such generous spirit in our community.
Also thanks to our wonderful judges: Louisa Wall, Anne Batley-Burton, Arabia Lè Veil, Lucy Lovegrove, Kanoa Lloyd and, all the way from London, Ian Towning! A special thanks to Moana McDowell for being amazing again! Together we all raised over $700 for the SPCA.
None of this would have been possible without the generous support of Krista Strong at Barkley Manor, the team at VitaPet New Zealand, The Coffee Club NZ,, Simone Lister & Best Beverage Company, Rainbow Auckland GABA Trust and The NZAF.
Julian Cook and all the Auckland Pride Festival team (for a great festival so far!) Apologies if I've forgotten anyone! Hopefully people enjoyed the day and see you all next year!
Steven Oates, Organiser, Woof - the Auckland Pride Dog Show