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Westmere shops and AT

Westmere shops and AT

On Wednesday 14 August, I attended a meeting organised by community advocate Gael Baldock, which was to inform and support the Westmere Shop owners with regards to Auckland Transport's plans to build bicycle lanes in front of the shops and at the same time remove most of the car parking.

Not only will this negatively impact the local businesses (think K’ Road) but my understanding is that this is being done without consultation with the shop owners.

We also heard that AT plans for the Garnet Road and Meola Road roundabout includes reducing the traffic lanes from two lanes down to one lane. This is complete madness as it will not only create huge backlogs of vehicle traffic, bringing frustration to drivers, but even risks some gridlock in the area.

Meola, Garnet, Pt Chev and West End Roads are arterial roads that are designed for the smooth flow of traffic to and from the motorway system. Auckland Transport's plans here are the opposite of that design and intention and will only bring congestion, frustration and unhappiness.

So, if Auckland Transport is working opposite to the intention of these arterial roads and against the wishes of the local community, the question has to be asked, once again, what is their agenda?

Well done Gael for organising (and caring enough about our community) this meeting which provided a forum for really good information and discussion.

Michael Avenell, Auckland CBD

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