“The bridge is now surrounded by reclaimed land, which means many people don’t realise that it is a bridge,” says Panuku Development Auckland’s General Manager of Marinas, Tom Warren.
“However, it’s more than 70 years old, and is now due for some important maintenance work that we are undertaking over winter while the marina is quiet.”
The road, which is adjacent to the Auckland Harbour Bridge, is a private road that is owned by Panuku Development Auckland on behalf of Auckland Council, but which is frequently used as a thoroughfare by those travelling to Wynyard Quarter and the CBD.
All vehicles that need to access Westhaven Marina will need to use the Beaumont Street entrance. There will be no thoroughfare for commuters. It is anticipated that access will be provided for cyclists, walkers and runners throughout the repair process, although cyclists are asked to please slow down, to expect a rough surface, and that they may need to dismount. Westhaven Marina thanks all users, especially its customers, for their patience while this work is undertaken.
Future marina development - The Westhaven Plan
Westhaven Marina is a precious icon of Auckland. It epitomises the City of Sails lifestyle and our marine and sailing culture. Over a number of years and following detailed consultation with the boating and local community, Panuku Development Auckland has put together the Westhaven Plan to detail how the area will be developed for the future. It includes the land and water-based development that is planned to occur over the next thirty years.
There are 12 key components to the Westhaven Plan that will specifically improve the facility for boat owners and affect the way the on the water space is used. They include:
• The construction of the Westhaven Promenade (first stage delivered Jan 2015)
• Y Pier development (delivered 2014-15)
• Improvement to the services that boating need including mast gantry, floating dock
and tidal grids (completed)
• Pile mooring redevelopment (including retaining pile mooring facilities)
• The extension of Silo Marina
• The Westhaven Marine Village, which will ensure that commercial marine businesses
always have a home close to Westhaven
• The redevelopment of St Mary’s Bay (partly completed)
• The reconfiguration of Z Pier
• The redevelopment of Harbour Bridge Park
• The development of Westhaven North
• The redevelopment of Piers G to S (underway)
• Alignment and works associated with St Mary’s Bay landing of Skypath (Auckland
Harbour Bridge cycleway/walkway project)
For up to date information please visit www.westhaven.co.nz