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Welcome to the world of Nick Von K

One of Nick’s favourite part of his job is to find that perfect idea that he can design around to make a ring that is truely personal to the customer he is working with.

“I always know when we’ve hit upon the right design as we both get really excited about making it happen. From there it takes maybe six to eight weeks to completion and then your very own one-off designed piece of jewellery is yours forever,” says Nick.

The best way to do this is to meet Nick in person at his jewellery studio in Karangahape Road, where you can sit down and have a relaxed talk together. Nick finds that this process often uncovers a number of creative ideas and it also helps him get a vibe for who he is working with.

Nick Von K, La Gonda Arcade, 203 Karangahape Road, Auckland CBD, T: 09 550 9505, www.nickvonk.com

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