Why the new ad campaign and blog?
There seems to be a flavour around real estate ads that was becoming generic. These featured more about the agent than the area, or the properties themselves. We wanted to do something that celebrated what made our area a special and desirable destination for people to live.
Tell us about your favourite things to eat and buy in the area.
S: We love the diverse range at Ponsonby Central especially a quick bite at Burger Burger. Down the other end of Ponsonby Road it’s always a toss-up between Takara and Mekong Baby. K: Ponsonby Road Bistro can always make a normal night special. K: I still miss Masons for amazing service. My credit card doesn’t miss it at all! Thanks Mark. S: I do my bit to support the lovely team at Milly’s Kitchen.
What are your favourite things to do around here?
K: Seems to revolve around the hounds. The first coffee at Dizengoff is always a fave. The second coffee is Crumb. I am a creature of habit. S: There are so many different walks away from the roads - St Mary’s Bay, Western Park, and the Viaduct.
What’s your most memorable experience selling a house?
K: Our first sale, Arch Hill of course. We convinced a private seller to trust us as rookies. We achieved over $60,000 more than his dream price.
And the strangest thing you’ve seen in a property?
S: Couldn’t possibly say. Discretion is my middle name. K: Appraising a tenanted property, and despite loud knocking on the front door, interrupting an episode of afternoon delight in the upstairs bedroom.
What’s the biggest change you’ve seen around here over the last seven years?
K: Apart from property prices, it is the pride people are taking to preserve and enhance their homes. S: The huge range of casual eating options on and off Ponsonby Road.
Have you always sold property?
K: No. I previously trained children. S: No I started life as a bank Johnny, then into office management. That was a great training ground for the systems and processes required today. It’s all about the detail.
Is constantly looking to shift an occupational hazard?
S: Always. With the houses around here, it’s impossible not to get itchy feet.
What would you like to see happen or change around here?
K: A continuation of the mix that makes Ponsonby - would hate to see that drown in a bucket of bland. S: I’d like to see council replace the old kerb stones that they removed from (heritage zoned) Elgin Street last month.
How would you describe this area to an outsider?
K: The best little town in the city.
What advice would you give them if visiting the area for the first time?
S: Park the car and walk. Day One: Ponsonby Road. Day Two: Westmere to the city. And take time. K: Take time to smell the coffee in the morning, and sip the wine at night.
Could you ever leave the area, or would it involve kicking and screaming?
K: Staying here involves kicking and screaming, but that’s just my Pilates. No plans to leave, no place to go. S: Couldn’t leave. Everything I need is a short walk, or a short drive away.
You can keep further tabs on what these two get up to at www.keithandsandy.co.nz