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Waitemata construction update

The works are staged along Ponsonby Road and are expected to be complete by August. More details on Auckland Transport’s website.

Grey Lynn Greenways
In 2012 we finalised a Greenways Plan. The first major greenways route from that plan is being completed in stages. Last year paths were widened for the Hakanoa Reserve and Grey Lynn Park sections. The next stage is underway taking the route from Coxs Bay Reserve through to Great North Road via Westmoreland Street, Hakanoa Reserve, Cockburn Street, Dryden Street, Grey Lynn Park, and Grosvenor Street. The aim is to create a mix of shared paths and calmer speed environments (with treatments like speed tables) both on the route and surrounding streets. The work should be complete by July.

Grey Lynn pump track
What started out a couple of years ago as the idea of enthusiastic Grey Lynn parents is fast turning into a new pump track. The hard work of volunteers, fundraising and a contribution of $30,000 from the Waitemata Local Board helped get this community-led initiative get off the ground. The track will provide an all weather, small-size circuit for children of all ages. It can be used with bikes, skaters and scooters. Once open the pump track is conveniently located on the Grey Lynn greenway route.

Fukuoka Friendship Gardens
Fukuoka Friendship Gardens is taking shape in Western Springs by the zoo. Construction should be complete by mid-year. The original garden was gifted to Auckland 25 years ago by the city of Fukuoka as a symbol of our sister city relationship.

Saving water
Finally, thanks to everyone who found ways to save water following the extreme weather event in March. At the time of writing, Watercare is still advising of the need to save 20 litres a day per person to ensure the amount of water being treated can continue to meet demand.

Auckland Council contributed to the water-saving efforts by turning off water fountains, beach showers and taps, stopping hosing around pools and switching off fountains and water features, even those which use recycled water. Additional measures put in place included staff sourcing non-potable water for annual planting programmes and Anzac Day planting. (PIPPA COOM)

Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board:

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