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Vinegar Lane Development - less chaos at last

Local businesses have told Ponsonby News that disruption to their work day has made life difficult for them. Parking has been a nightmare. Glengarry often lost their half dozen dedicated park spaces outside their store. As Liz Wheadon, Glengarry General Manager, told Ponsonby News, “It has been very trying.” Collaboration with the construction company has not always been good enough either, several business owners told us. Other businesses keen for work to end include Le Monde on Pollen Street and Bashford Antiques on Williamson Avenue.

However, all now hope the worst is behind them and business can get back to normal. In fact several owners told Ponsonby News that the developments should enhance their business prospects. It’s certainly been a circus around the Williamson Avenue - Pollen Street corner, and Glengarry Wines and Pane & Vino’s businesses have probably suffered most.

Countdown told Ponsonby News they understand the frustration caused by what is one of the largest construction jobs in the inner city. They are, however, proud of the fact that this store has been specially designed for Ponsonby - their first premium supermarket. Among innovations will be a special health and wellness section.

The completion of the rest of Vinegar Lane is on track for completion in July.

Ponsonby News spoke to Ken Johnson and Deborah White of Whitespace on Crummer Road. They are enthusiastic about the new developments which they feel will improve the whole Ponsonby shopping experience. They have already noticed more foot traffic. Ken is excited to see the completion and occupancy of the private studio apartments, most of which will be live and work for home. At least one opposite Whitespace is being built for an architect.

The underground car parks will be a boon for Ponsonby too, as will the network of laneways which will link Vinegar Lane, via Ponsonby Central, right through to Lincoln Street. This will give the depth to the Ponsonby commercial precinct that it has lacked in the past. Many people just avoided the long strip of Ponsonby Road and headed straight for the malls.

Ponsonby News congratulates Countdown on the opening of their new supermarket and wishes them well. The new supermarket will open on Thursday 2 June at 8am.

We at Ponsonby News would urge our readers, using our old mantra, to support businesses in this new commercial precinct: “Stay local, shop local, support our local businesses.” (JOHN ELLIOTT)


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