All the staff contributed to the annual Art Hall exhibition at Studio Art Supplies as part of Artweek Auckland. Dean Tercel played with our perception of medium, with a finely crafted oil painting that appeared just like a Pop Art screen print; Michael Mitchell’s images explored the shift between abstraction and figuration; Patrick Lundberg’s quiet shoelace paintings descended the wall like measuring tapes; and Imogen Taylor served up a tasty soup of art references with her unique mix of grubby seduction.
The store also held, as part of Artweek, Social Painting for a dozen customers: an exciting selection of paints and surfaces were supplied, along with refreshments, and under the guidance of staff they constructed artworks over the course of the evening. Painting was never so much fun!
Imogen Taylor’s exhibition Body Language opens at Artspace on 6 November and runs through to 5 December. This show features significant new work by Imogen, who has just been awarded the McCahon Residency for summer 2017 - don’t miss it!
Patrick Lundberg (‘the new guy’) is included in a painting show that’s coming up soon at a public institution... but we’re not allowed to say where. Patrick may be our latest addition, but comes with a good pedigree, being awarded the Frances Hodgkin Fellowship 2014 and the Trust Waikato National Contemporary Art Award 2008. Amazing that there’s been any time to work, really!