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Update from the Waitemata Local Board

One of the people who played a significant role achieving results for Waitemata over the last six years has been inaugural chair of the board, Shale Chambers. Shale has done an outstanding job setting a strong foundation for the board. It is a huge privilege to be elected chair at the board’s inaugural meeting and to be able to continue working as
a leadership team with Shale as deputy chair.

There are several projects started last term coming to fruition. The upgraded Western Park playground with the longest tunnel slide in Auckland opened in November. The playground rounds off significant upgrades in the park, which include new lighting and footpaths, making the park a far more welcoming place.

The Weona-Westmere walkway is opening in mid-December, providing new access to the coast and native bush. This project is part of a long-term goal to complete a coastal walkway from Meola Reef to Hobson Bay. The upgraded playground in Grey Lynn park is also opening shortly and next year will be accessible on a new greenways route connected to Cox’s Bay.

Looking ahead we have much to do over the next three years. There are community and recreational facilities to improve and services to maintain, including at our precious libraries, further playgrounds to upgrade, and commitments to meet reaching the goals of a smoke free and zero waste Auckland. Projects to look forward to include
a community-led resource recovery centre in conjunction with the Puketapapa and Albert-Eden Local Boards at Western Springs opening next year and Skypath, the walking and cycling connection over the harbour bridge, getting underway now resource consent has been confirmed.

As chair I wish to serve by providing leadership that achieves the aspirations of the community. I’m committed to celebrating and embracing diversity and providing space for creative innovation and design thinking. This also requires building trust and confidence in council so all the people of Waitemata feel that local government matters and that they wish to participate. I look forward to putting this into action with an impressive team of board members as we start on the term ahead.

I wish you all a safe and enjoyable festive season. (PIPPA COOM)

Public board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 2pm at the local board office, 52 Swanson Street (except January).

Follow the Waitemata board on www.facebook.com/Waitemata.

Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board on:

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