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Trash to trade competition

The launch is the creation of Grey Lynn 2030 Transition Community with the support of the Grey Lynn, Kingsland, Karangahape Road and Ponsonby Business Associations. It gives participants the opportunity to create something desirable from something discarded. All that is required is to find a trash item and upcycle it into a new creation that has some monetary worth. It could be something as simple as a bookshelf made of old drawers, wooden pallets turned into a coffee table or billboards sewn into handbags.

The entrants will showcase their creations at the launch of Trash to Trade on Sunday 29 October, with a view to selling or reproducing their final product for sale.

“The ultimate goal is to create something that people actually want to buy,” says launch organiser Brigitte Sistig. “There’s a real thirst out there amongst consumers for unique products that have personality and a back story.

“People are switched on to the upcycling trend and there’s certainly no shortage of potential waste streams from many businesses that could be diverted.”

There is also the potential to get assistance with launching an upcycling business if the finished product can be reproduced and sold. Partnership is at the heart of Trash to Trade.

Entry is now open to interested individuals, who can access support and encouragement from the organisers. No registration fee required. All entrants or interested parties are invited to attend the Trash to Trade launch on Sunday 29 October at the Grey Lynn Community Centre. The launch will be part of the Grey Lynn Farmers Market Sustainability event on that morning.

To find out more or to enter, contact greylynn2030@gmail.com or phone Brigitte on M: 021 113 4171

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