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Te Rimutahi - March 2025 Update

Te Rimutahi - March 2025 Update

Te Rimutahi, the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road, is coming together apace as we enter the last few weeks of its construction.

From the international award-winning designers at LandLAB, and in the capable hands of the Cassidy Construction team, the transformation of what was previously a forlorn and neglected liquor outlet into a beautiful public space in the heart of Ponsonby is inspiring. 


There’s still plenty of work to be done and many of you (dear readers) will be aware of the traffic management currently in place on Ponsonby Road. This is enabling the road safety infrastructure to be completed including;
 - the roadway narrowing and construction of the northern side of the raised pedestrian table on O’Neill Street
 - the entire footpath upgrade in front of Te Rimutahi along Ponsonby Road
 - a new, relocated bus stop, with a green roof.
An application has been made to rename the bus stop Te Rimutahi; for clarity and to recognise the toanga of the name Te Rimutahi, gifted by mana whenua. Ngā mihi nui.

Some other significant upcoming work includes;
- Approx. 40 cubic metres of concrete aggregate poured and acid washed is scheduled to have been completed by publication date.
- The channel drains that will capture the stormwater runoff from this impermeable surface will also have also been installed.
- The shrouding of the new toilet block with Abodo vertical timbers
- The lining of the canopy ceiling with 42  x 42 mm pine battens, followed by the removal of the canopy scaffolding.
- The planters will be positioned and the gardens will begin to be planted. This includes a 2000 L Rimu and another 1000 L Pohutakawa tree. These will all be watered twice a day via the in-ground irrigation system.
- The repurposed columns will be clear-sealed, and the galvanized downpipes installed and connected, including some to feed into the 5000 L water tank.

It’s all coming together beautifully and the Community-Led Design Group couldn’t be more delighted! 

Completion of Te Rimutahi is scheduled for next month in mid-late April, to be followed by checks and the detailed sign-off. At this stage, the civic space will be open in mid-May and a formal opening will follow. But don’t be surprised if the community is already celebrating their brilliant new civic space.

But for now - stay excited! 

Te Rimutahi is only a few short weeks away from completion after more than 10 years of volunteer community advocacy work by the Community-Led Design Group. Work that has only been possible through all of YOUR sustained support and commitment. Together, the community advocacy and the community engagement enabled this Community-Led Design process to succeed. And what a BRILLIANT result!

Bring it on.

For more information or to contact the Community-Led Design Group, please see our website: 254ponsonbyrd.org.nz or our Facebook pages; Ponsonby Park, or 254 Ponsonby Road.




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