Spring is a great time to make sure your garden works as hard towards your sustainability credentials as your indoor space.
Here are four tips to make sure your garden is glowing with greenness.
Tip 1: Let your garden munch on your food waste
There are many ways you can turn your food waste into fertiliser. While many people are put off by the rat-attraction factor, a compost bin is a great solution. Or you could consider a worm farm. They’re easy to establish and you can buy Tiger Worms from hardware stores or online. If space is an issue, consider Bokashi composting. This method uses a smaller, sealed container and rather than aerating the food waste, deprive it of oxygen for faster decomposition.
Tip 2: Start growing your own
Spring is the perfect time to dust off the trowel and sow a seed or two. The best vegetables to plant now are asparagus, beans, bok choy, cabbage, capsicum, carrots, courgettes, kumara, spinach, sweetcorn and tomatoes. While most central Auckland gardens don’t have space for an orchard, you could plant raspberries, citrus trees in pots and a passionfruit vine. And don’t forget wildflowers. Not only do they look beautiful, the bees love them and you’ll have a never-ending supply of cut flowers for your home.
Tip 3: Use greywater on your garden
As the drier months approach, why not think about a sustainable way to water your garden? Getting a greywater unit fitted into your household plumbing system means that the water from your sinks, showers, washing machine and dishwasher will be filtered and made available for use in the garden. Just remember not to use this water on any fruits or vegetables and also make sure to use greywater system-friendly products like ecostore’s laundry, dish and personal care range.
Tip 4: Stock up on eco-garden essentials
There are many garden tools, gizmos and gadgets that can help your fingers stay properly green. Niwashi garden tools are crafted from wood and the finest Japanese steel. And Zing Bokashi is a local company who makes a range of products to get your small-scale composting facility humming.
ECOSTORE, 1 Scotland Street, Freemans Bay, T: 09 360 8477, www.ecostore.co.nz
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