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Students from Media Design School Produce Ponsonby News Front Cover

The students were asked to create a Ponsonby News cover. The image we liked best was from Pankaj Bhambri and he told Ponsonby News, “It was my first trip to Ponsonby and the major source for my artwork was what I saw with my own eyes; my own individual experience of Ponsonby that I tried to convey in my artwork. It’s a very vibrant place; a very diverse crowd, very lively and very warm, so I wanted to convey that through the colours I used and through my composition.

“I ate pizza while I was there, so I decided to make a pizza base. As per the brief, Martin told us he wanted to see the diversity of Ponsonby and what the future of Ponsonby might look like, so I decided to create a pizza base that showed people going here and there with the heritage buildings, such as the Post Office building, featured as well. I wanted to make a composition that showed both sides of Ponsonby; the old heritage side and the new buildings, too.

“It was a great feeling to be selected, to be published in a new country is seriously amazing. It’s really awesome that my cover has been selected and that I’m getting the opportunity to be published. I’m very thankful to Ponsonby News for selecting my cover.”

Media Design school, Level 16, 92 Albert Street, T: 09 303 0402, www.mediadesignschool.comPonsonby News Oct Cover

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