There has quite rightly been outrage at the disappearance of so many old heritage houses around our inner city, in the name of ‘progress’.
The Henry’s own the building at 148 Ponsonby Road, where their Early Settler business is established. They also own numbers 3, 5, and 7 Brown Street, and number 2 Douglas Street. The Brown Street and Douglas Street properties are all zoned residential single house, but the Henry’s do have resource consent to use 3 and 5 Brown Street as offices. They have contracted planner Michael Parsonson to provide a professional opinion on their plans, and have had multi-award winning architect Richard Naish come up with concept plans for the site.
Both Parsonson and Naish are of the opinion that the development will enhance the commercial environment and will not detract from the adjoining villas amenity values.
Parsonson: “This development supports the Ponsonby Plan objectives to ‘enhance the outcomes and quality of lifestyle and development of Ponsonby, it improves the interface between commercial and residential activities, and it is not offensive to the respective residential and special character objectives and policies of the PAUP.’”
Part of the rationale behind the proposal relates to Henry’s near neighbour, Ponsonby Central. They point out that Ponsonby Central has plans to develop its carpark between Richmond Road and Brown Street, with three layers of underground parking, retail, commercial and apartment living on the top level, all of which impinges on the Henry’s villas in Brown St, making them almost impossible to let, given noise and other amenity value loss.
Naish’s plans for the redevelopment include improved buffer zones between commercial and residential, activated pedestrian lanes, and a pedestrian plaza. All parking will be on the development site.
Richard Naish is not complimentary about the villas which Henry’s want to remove. He says they quote, “vary greatly in authenticity, with various incongruous additions and alterations.” After inspecting them I could not argue with Naish.
There is no doubt that one of the drawbacks of strip shopping of which Ponsonby Road is a classic example, is that there is no escape behind and off the main street. People sit right on the street mixing their bagels with CO2 from passing vehicles. The opportunity to have some depth to commercial areas is an attraction for both developers and consumers alike. Ponsonby Central has confirmed that fact.
This proposed development would sit in complementary fashion across the road from Ponsonby Central, and fit in to the overall commercial environment very well.
However, and here’s the rub. The domino effect of pushing over one villa and then another can soon result in substantial loss of heritage housing stock. The proposal mentions the other end of Brown Street with shops and Richmond Road School, also the commercial developments of Fitzroy Street which intersects Richmond Road and Brown Street. The implication is that further commercialisation will not be detrimental. Tell that to some of the proud villa owners nearby.
We asked the Waitemata Board to comment and still await their reply.
We must be vigilant to save our Victorian and Edwardian housing stock, and prevent creeping demolition, but if you look at this proposal it is eminently sensible, giving depth to Ponsonby business and walking lanes and plaza space for people to relax and enjoy. It is a hospitality precinct, and although there is no mention of business type in the application, one would presume cafes, restaurants, and other eateries would thrive there. It would enable a small business which could not afford Main Street rents to set up in and around the walkways and plazas.
Have a look at the plans before you throw rocks on my roof, and no, I have no commercial interest to declare. (JOHN ELLIOTT)