MOTAT Visitor Engagement Manager, Sarah Somerville says Military Day is a fantastic way for visitors to learn what military life was like for those who fought in some of the world’s fiercest battles. “The thrilling re-enactment of both a WWII train and convoy ambush will be a poignant reminder of what brave men of war went through to protect their countries,” she says.
“Military Day has always been one of our most popular events and this year it’s shaping up to be one of our best ever. It not only provides great family entertainment, but also an opportunity for young people to better understand and honour the wartime sacrifices that New Zealand has made over the last century,” says Ms Somerville.
MOTAT’s world-class collection of wartime memorabilia will be on display alongside aircraft restored by staff and volunteers, including a Lancaster Bomber, and military vehicles dating back as early as WWI.
Military Day activities are included in the normal MOTAT admission fee. So round up the troops and come along to the Aviation Display Hall for an action-packed day.
Date & Times:
Sunday 6 March
MOTAT is open from 10am – 5pm
Military Day Activities run from 11am to 4pm
11am NZ Warbirds Association WWI aircraft fly-over
11.30am Fire power Demonstration
12.30pm Re-enactment of a WWII train ambush
1.30pm NZ Warbirds Association WWII aircraft fly-over
2.30pm Fire power Demonstration
3.30pm Re-enactment of a WWII convoy ambush
MOTAT Aviation Display Hall, Meola Road, Western Springs.
Visitors can also enjoy the rest of MOTAT, including a tram ride and entry to MOTAT’s latest exhibitions, Body In Action and Eyetrackers. General admission fees apply:
Family (2 adults and up to 4 children) $40
Adults $16
Children (under 17) $8
Students $8
SuperGold Card Holders FREE
Children under 5 FREE
T: 0800 MOTAT NZ (0800 668 286) or visit