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Roseanne Sullivan, Naturopath

What do you love about your job? At The WellBeing Centre I also teach courses and present talks about nutrition and various health topics. What I like about teaching is that people can attend these talks and get up-to-date information about health, diet and lifestyle which makes a difference to them and their families - they’re fun.

What do you find challenging?
Because I’m the kind of person who wants to provide whatever is needed so that all my clients get well, I can end up having my work flow over in to the weekend. I need to be quite strict with myself in setting boundaries so I can recharge and nurture myself and have time with my family and friends on weekends.

How do you differ from other naturopaths?
My mum calls me a ‘sniffer dog’. I suspect from my early frustrations with seeing health professionals who did not pick up what was wrong with me, I have this absolute determination to get to the source of what’s causing someone’s health issues and from there to guide them on a path to recovery.

This means I am constantly learning and researching in order to get the best possible results for my clients. I offer a very wide range of tests for clients including an in-house kinesiology assessment using an advanced form of kinesiology called QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis). QRA allows me to test the bio-energetic status of the body’s key organs and glands. It’s also a brilliant tool for quickly identifying food sensitivities.

In order to provide the best possible service for my clients I spend two whole hours with them in my initial consultations. This allows me to get all the information I need, explain my findings to them in a way that is a clear and empowering, create a treatment plan, a meal plan (or food guidelines) with their health goals in mind, and sometimes blood tests to get done. The feedback clients give me is that they find these consultations extremely comprehensive and supportive.

Can you share an anecdote about a case?
A few months ago I saw 45-year-old client (let’s call her Sarah). For the past four years she had been suffering from extreme fatigue, irritability, stomach upsets, dizziness and joint aches. On investigation I discovered that Sarah had heavy metal toxicity and intolerances to certain foods. The treatment plan, supplements and dietary modifications I suggested improved Sarah’s energy and other symptoms almost straight away. Four months later her energy levels are back to normal and she is feeling great. She sent this email to me last week: “I am so thankful for your help as I had spent four years trying all sorts to get better but had no real results. When I started to get results with you I got my zest for life back!”

What do you do to care for yourself?
I eat really well (gotta walk the talk). I make a green juice most days. I buy organic fruit and veggies from farmers’ markets on the weekend (often tied in with a catch up with a friend). I exercise most days - a 45-minute walk to the beach and back with my hubby and dog. I also make sure I wedge in time out for myself and time with family on the weekend.

What’s your advice to people seeking treatment from a naturopath?
If you have health issues you’ve been grappling with/putting up with or ignoring for a while book in to see me. I’ll take care of the rest.

ROSEANNE SULLIVAN, The WellBeing Centre, 56 Surrey Crescent, T: 09 378 8420

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