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Punching above their weight....

This phase of intense re-evaluation had a galvanising effect on St Columba. Determined to go the extra mile, they decided to expand their support within the Grey Lynn and Pt Chevalier communities. The congregation began growing, and in early 2017 the Auckland Diocese gave its blessing for their ongoing work.

In 2017, there were three areas of focus: a new playground was recently opened for local community use; the Super G's, a social gathering of seniors every Tuesday for companionship, exercise, lunch, fun activities and outings; and a new initiative, the Friday Community Lunches, welcoming all who come through the door. Numbers have more than doubled since June, as the good news spreads that this is food cooked by parishioners as if for their own families. At Christmas a large multicultural gathering of people shared lunch around a long table, and it was indeed a joyful gathering of whanau.

Of course, all the programmes need funding. This year, the Clay Works Potters' Market, St Columba's major fundraiser, will span from 4 to 6 May (10am to 4pm), featuring emerging and established potters, and many new names. All welcome.

To help with any of these activities, phone Siniua in the office.

Anglican Church of St Columba & Community Centre, 92 Surrey Crescent, T: 09 376 9119, www.saintcolumbas.org.nz

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