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Prison art class sparks new direction

It was during a prison term in 2011 - 2015 that Simon reconnected with and was recognised for his gift for art, and since then there have been several exhibitions of his work. Liz Caughey, a parishioner at St Columba who has been involved in contemporary New Zealand art for almost 30 years, had seen Simon's work three years ago and felt strongly that he should have gallery representation in Auckland - hence the exhibition. "I was struck not only by the distinctiveness of his art, but by the courage of the subject matter and the honesty and emotional power of the paintings. It is such an important role of the arts to make social comment. It’s often how the seeds of change are sown."

The paintings featured poems Simon wrote during his 1994 prison tower siege at Mt Eden Prison, reflecting on his many times inside, with some referencing poems by Oscar Wilde (1898) and Richard Lovelace (1642). While the content was at times challenging, the lyrical language made for moving work, as commented on by most visitors to the exhibition and evidenced by the average duration of visit. Simon is frank about his past but seeks now to contribute to society, and to that end works constantly on his art.

To view paintings that are still for sale, go to St Columba Anglican Church Facebook page (photos) - www.facebook.com/pg/stcolumbagreylynn

Enquiries to St Columba Church, T: 09 376 9119; or Liz M: 021 151 7087,
E: lizcaughey@xtra.co.nz

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