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Ponsonby Team Sets Out To Fight Poverty

Ponsonby resident Anna Bassett will lead team Walking on Sunshine along the 100km trail through some of New Zealand most spectacular coastal scenery in Whakatane. “Three of the team are from Ponsonby but our fourth member, Kristi, is coming over from the United States,” said Anna. “Kristi and I met when we were yachting in Antigua in the 1990s. Oxfam Trailwalker is our perfect excuse to get together again.”

Whilst this will be Anna’s third time taking on Oxfam Trailwalker, the rest of the team has never attempted an endurance event of this scope before. The team has already plunged into preparations, having completed the Auckland half marathon to build up their fitness. Not only do teams need to put in months of training, they also fundraise to support Oxfam’s work. So as Anna and the team kick off their intensive training this month, they’re busy with plans for a movie night and sausage sizzle as well.

Oxfam’s Executive Director Rachael Le Mesurier said: “We’re so proud of Anna and all our Oxfam Trailwalker participants. Every kilometre they walk and every dollar they raise has a lasting impact on the lives of people living in poverty. They’re giving families clean water, the chance to grow more food and put their children into education.”

After completing the 100km course last year, Anna summed it up like this: “Was it fun? Definitely. Brutal? Not as much as we feared. Challenging? Yep. Would we do it again? Absolutely!”

OXFAM TRAILWALKER (weekend of 2-3 April)


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