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Ponsonby People & Their Pets

Black pugs are the love of my life.

I have always adored pugs. They are funny, cute, a little chubby and have the ability to melt hearts. I love when we come across a big, burly guy and he becomes all soft and loving towards our two. They just demand love.

Boston was just a cool name (we were going through baby books, credits on movies, tv shows) and came across his name and we wanted something a little retro for our girl, so Betty it was and they are so adorable together. They have their own Facebook page under Boston & Betty.

Our favourite thing to do together is to get away in our motorhome (that we purchased for them) and have adventures. We go to all sorts of wonderful places. Ohope Beach, Papamoa, Whangarei Heads, Taupo... walk, play and meet new friends.

They both have lots of friends. Both are very social. Boston is the more chilled of the two, Betty is a typical sensitive little lady. Baxter, Cooper and Gin are all great friends of the two pugs.

Eat - they love food (it’s a pug thing). Both on a ‘raw diet’ that they adore and flourish on. Raw Essentials is their absolute favourite shop in the world. Best food and best treats.

I feel so lucky to have these two little dogs in my life. They bring something so special to our home. They are comical, great companions, super loving, incredible therapists and absolute characters. Life is just so much better with them around.

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