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Ponsonby Park - when will we get our park?

Since then, the WLB has conducted its submission process for their ‘local board plan’ and, unsurprisingly, there was a great deal of support for Ponsonby Park.

Council (not the Local Board) has control of the budgets that are available to realise Ponsonby Park with the WLB stating:
“A key role of the local board is to advocate for initiatives that they may not have decision-making responsibilities or funding for this annual plan, but recognise the value it will add to the local community.”

As a consequence of this, Ponsonby Park is now the:
“Priority unfunded capital project for the WLB.”

The WLB will now seek to:
“Secure funding, resource and support to deliver the community’s agreed vision and chosen design for Ponsonby Park 254 Ponsonby Road.”

Thank you Waitemata Local Board!

Auckland Council has a 2015-2025 budget for the ‘investing in play plan’ with $33 million allocated for renewing play assets and a further $25 million to provide new play opportunities. With Ponsonby having 6% of Auckland’s population, even conservatively this amounts to around $3.5 million that could be accessed for the development of Ponsonby Park. More could reasonably be requested given Ponsonby is a ‘destination’ for so many Aucklanders. A free, beautiful, community space to rest and relax in would be of benefit to visitors to Ponsonby as well as local residents and businesses.

The Auckland Council Park’s website ‘open space acquisition policy’ states:

“After Auckland Council has acquired land for parks and open space, public access will be provided as soon as practicable so the community can enjoy the new park or open space.”

We believe it is now time to release a significant portion at the front of the site to the community to start the development of Ponsonby Park for the following reasons:

1. The site was purchased for an open space over 10 years ago.

2. The CLD process has shown the desire of the community to see the development of the whole of site Ponsonby Park.

3. A design concept has been created and received wide community support.

4. An initial budget has been provided.

5. Ponsonby Park is an ideal fit with the ‘Civic Space provision targets in the Open Space Provision Policy’ of the Auckland Council Park’s Department.

6. Council has budget available to begin the development of Ponsonby Park.

7. A Boffa-Miskell survey completed in 2000 showed a lack of open green space in the Ponsonby area and this has only increased with the intensification of housing in the locale in the 17 years since the report was commissioned.

8. The current lease of the site to Lion Liquor Retail limited is up for renewal and renegotiation this month (August 2017) and with only a six month required notice, part of the front of the site can be made available for the community to (finally) enjoy.


The community, via the CLD process has stepped up and continues to do so as the new Community-led Engagement (CLE) group. The Waitemata Local Board has stepped up by making Ponsonby Park it’s ‘priority unfunded project’. We now look forward to council allocating funds to realize Ponsonby Park and to provide a place for social capital to grow and flourish in Ponsonby. (JENNIFER WARD)


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