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Ponsonby Park Update

The WLB congratulated the CLD group on our significant work and achievements to date and have resolved to “refer the chosen design to Parks, Sports and Recreation officers.” The officers have been requested to "progress a development design and report back to the board.”

Board members in charge of the Parks portfolio, Shale Chambers and Adriana Avendaño Christie, were vocal in their support for Ponsonby Park and heartened by the ongoing and substantial community engagement in the CLD process.

In the meantime the CLD group is drilling down into the results of the final design consultation to see what the community told us - beyond their preferred design.

‘The angels are in the detail’ so this is where we look.

All of the comments will be analysed and used to further inform the design brief, thereby ensuring we have captured as much of what the community desires as possible.

This work will be completed soon and we look forward to our workshop with the WLB to further plan Ponsonby Park. An important part of this will be the creation of a timeline and milestones around the development of Ponsonby Park. Once these are decided, we’ll let you know when to keep an eye out for the results from each stage of the process.

We will also plan to have a debrief to council of how the Community-led design group process worked for us and how other communities might join in the fun.

Ponsonby Park - now it begins! (JENNIFER WARD)



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