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Ponsonby Civic Space: The new civic space – October 2024 update

Ponsonby Civic Space: The new civic space – October 2024 update

Significant work is happening on-site at the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road with Stage 2, the construction, now underway. BRAVO!

It has been a long, long time coming for the development of this community amenity. The need was first identified by a Boffa-Miskell report in 2000, with the site at 254 Ponsonby Road purchased in 2006 to remedy the shortfall of open space in the area.

In April 2015, due to the high level of community interest and budget constraints, the Waitematā Local Board resolved to set up a ‘Community-Led Design Group’ (CLDG). The directive was to develop a design and an indicative budget for the site, using Community-Led Design principles. And so our CLDG work began.

Now, nearly 10 years later, it is almost there with the LandLAB-designed new civic space under construction. We are delighted.

The completion of the new civic space is now scheduled for April 2025.

Meanwhile, improvements for:

· the O’Neill Street roadway safety crossing
· the footpath
· and the associated on-street parking

have all been consulted on and approval has been obtained from the AT (Auckland Transport) design review panel. The O’Neill Street work is scheduled for November-December 2024 and the Ponsonby Road footpath renewal is scheduled for March 2025.

So come on down to 254 Ponsonby Road to have a look at this brilliant community amenity that is being created from what was, for decades, an ugly car park and liquor outlet. It’s already transformational with the view through the site to the Waitakere Ranges in the west and eastwards to the magnificent St John’s church. And check out the beautiful hoarding mural, designed with the input of students from three local schools and realised by the talented Ross Liew (aka MrOscarLow).

Viewing portals for both adults and smaller people makes for easy viewing of the work in progress. As the weather improves and with daylight saving starting soon, the new civic space is the perfect destination for a stroll along the strip to check out the historic construction of what will soon be the much-loved heart of Ponsonby.


For more information or to contact the CLDG, see our website: 254ponsonbyrd.org.nz or our Facebook pages: Ponsonby Park, or 254 Ponsonby Road.

In memory of Bryan David Bates, 18 October 1956-2022 August 2024. (Pictured above second left)

Bryan was a founding member of the Community-Led Design Group. We are deeply saddened by Bryan’s passing and that he will no longer get to see or experience the beautiful civic space that he worked so long and hard to create.

Arohanui dear friend.

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