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Ponsonby Central Founder Shines a Light for Furs

I’ve been beside myself to meet the man behind Ponsonby Central and he didn’t fail to deliver. He is a kind, inspiring human.

When we caught up at his office he was joined by his two lovely rescues Missy and Philly. Dogs and animals have always been part of Andy’s life, they are family, completing his home and life. We ‘ruff’ that. So it was wonderful to hear that his latest project is “The Last Lampost”, a dog and animal rescue centre on 17 acres he has just bought in Albany. His dream is to take animals who have run out of time for re-homing and give them
a place where they will be safe.

A few years ago, he started fostering dogs for the SPCA and through his network of friends and fellow animal lovers he found them homes. Good old Ponsonby News was there in full support, providing free editorial to help these ‘kids’ get new families. Lately, he hasn’t been able to foster. As much due to work commitments and the fact that fosters Missy and Philly have woven their way into his heart and he couldn’t bear to see them go. Bless.

Philly, who has been with him for about eight years was an emergency foster, as looks go, he says she’s no Angelina Jolie and that she was one of the worst cases of abuse he had run into. After months of trying to re-home her, he had fallen madly and decided she was a keeper. Then along came Missy. She was found by the motorway with her sister, when she was about seven weeks old, just a bubba. She had ongoing health issues so was really not able to be re-homed, so of course she stayed too.

In a movie of her life, Philly would be played by Jodie Foster. She’s intelligent, calm, quiet and Andy says sly and sneaky. We prefer resourceful. Missy on the other hand, is cheeky, tenacious, vocal and apparently greedy and emotionally needy. We’d say quirky. Lindsay Lohan would win the part.

We think these girls have definitely won the doggie lottery and the rest of us are pretty damn fortunate to have this visionary man as part of our community.

Remember: If you can’t adopt - foster - if you can’t foster - sponsor - if you can’t sponsor - volunteer - if you can’t volunteer - donate - if you can’t donate - educate. Go shine your light people. (ANGELA BEER) www.petsandpats.co.nz

P96 Andy and Girls

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