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Ponsonby Business Association - Watercare works update

Huge effort has gone into minimising disruption. Watercare’s project manager, Veluppillai Thavarajah says: “Work in Collingwood Street finished at the end of August and Franklin Road is on track to be completed by mid-November.

“We are grateful to residents for their patience. This work will not only cater for future growth but it means reductions in wet-weather overflows —which are good for the community and the environment.”

Watercare also made an appearance in Ponsonby Road during July and August as new water pipes were installed. Two-way traffic was maintained but there were parking restrictions between Karangahape Road and Hopetown Street.

In the second week of July, Watercare’s contractors, Brian Perry and sub-contractors, City Contractors were hailed as heroes when they tackled an armed man as he fled, following the robbery of a convenience store in Ponsonby Road. Two men chased the man 200 metres on foot, while four others tried to block him off with their van. A good rugby tackle followed and the man was held until police arrived.

The men received a formal thank you from the Ponsonby Business Association and Auckland District Police, as well as Morning Tea from staff at Watercare’s head office.


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