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Please sign the petition - link below Auckland Council permitting sewage into Harbour - help save our beaches.

The current state of the drains is so bad that when it rains the overflow of rain and sewage runs down Kelmarna Avenue and into Coxs Creek then the Harbour.

Local residents are asking Auckland Council to build the drains, and not allow increased sewage in harbour until they are done. Housing shortage is not so desperate that we should put public health at risk. There are lots of places we can build with infrastructure for sewage to go to Mangere or North Shore.

With the proposed dense development this will add to the problem significantly.

Locals are raising this petition to ask Council to get the drains update going before allowing these developments which increase sewage to the Harbour.

They are asking Council to notify Hon Dr Nick Smith, Minister of Housing that the wastewater infrastructure is not adequate and ask him to disestablish the 1 Kelmarna SHA site, or to postpone it until after the drains have been remedied..

Legislation is in place to say such developments MUST NOT go ahead if the infrastructure is insufficient.

Don't you think the drains are a critical factor? How about our environment? There should be no major developments where sewage flows to the harbour, until infrastructure can treat it.

Why has this been allowed? Don't let all our beaches become as toxic as Cox's Bay.

Please visit the gng website for more information and sign the petition via the website link.



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