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Pippa Coom: Waitemata Local Board Update

On Market Day I was delighted to come across Boopsie Moran’s pop-up Ponsonby 'park' pictured left. In an act of tactical urbanism, she took over a parking spot outside Dizengoff Cafe to create a parklet which creatively explored the opportunities for the council-owned site at 254 Ponsonby Road.

The bulk of the board and Auckland Transport funded Ponsonby Road pedestrian improvement project is due to be completed in mid-November, with the final work on Collingwood Street in early January 2018. Many thanks to local businesses and the Ponsonby Business Association for the patience they have shown over many months of disruption. The end is finally in sight on this project that will greatly enhance the Ponsonby Road experience and streetscape.

Updates on all Auckland Transport’s projects (including the Grey Lynn and Westmere walking and cycling improvements) are available via AT’s website www.at.govt.nz

Cox's Bay Reserve Playground
We are teaming up with the Grey Lynn Community Centre School Holiday Programme to celebrate the re-opening of the Cox’s Bay Reserve playground. There will be a sausage sizzle, face painting, and a chance to check out the new play equipment.

Thursday 12 October 11am - 1pm. More details on the board’s Facebook page: facebook.com/waitemata

The board has been a longtime advocate for effective parking management that prioritises residents and short-term parking for businesses and retail. The Grey Lynn residential parking scheme is due to be consulted on by Auckland Transport at the end of October.

Paid parking is due to start on Ponsonby Road in mid-October, which will increase the turnover of parking and allow visitors to pay for the length of parking needed. Auckland Transport is installing new machines that are based on number plates rather than tickets. Information about parking is available on Auckland Transport’s website.

Meola Reef Te Tokaroa Development Plan
We recently finished consulting on a draft Meola Reef Development Plan. Within the proposed plan are ways that will improve areas allocated to dog activities and for recreation, better connect the off-leash area to the car park, and greatly enhance the sensitive ecological areas.

We are now close to completing development plans for nearly all parks in the Waitemata Local Board area, these plans help guide future investment and are created through consultation with stakeholders and the community. The Western Springs Te Waiorea Development Plan will be consulted on early next year.

Details on Shape Auckland website www.shapeauckland.co.nz

Heritage Festival
The Auckland Heritage Festival 2017 is in full swing until 15 October. There’s an impressive number of tours, exhibitions and displays (mostly free) celebrating the 2017 festival theme ‘From waterways to motorways: the heritage of transport and travel in Tamaki Makaurau'.

Check out the walk of the Foreshore Heritage Trail event which the board will be leading on Sunday 8 October. Join us as we walk the original foreshore from Point Erin Te Oka to Point Resolution Taurarua. (PIPPA COOM)


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