Paul presented a proposal for an all-weather, continuous loop track with smooth mounds that is ridden without pedalling (the name 'pump track' comes from the pumping motion used by the rider's upper and lower body as they ride around the track to gain speed).
Former Chair, Shale Chambers spotted an opportunity to use a new Council “community
-led small build programme” for the first time. With officer support for a pump track located in the park, the board agreed to contribute $30,000 (20% of the total), cover consenting fees and take over the operational costs once open. Paul and Scott Kuegler took up the challenge of fund raising for the full amount, navigating council processes (not an easy task as trail blazers) and project managing the build.
After a Herculean effort involving countless volunteer hours and community working bees, the pump track has now opened to BMXers, mountain bikers, skateboarders, scooters, skaters and riders of all ages. It was great to pop along on the first day the fence came down to hear the track declared “awesome”. The pump track is sure to be
a big after-school draw card for fun, fitness and to practice riding skills.
Paul, Scott and all the pump track supporters, including board member Rob Thomas, should all feel very proud of what they’ve achieved. It is a wonderful asset for the community and the kids of Auckland. Local riders will be able to easily and safely access the track along the new Grey Lynn Greenway due to be opened by Auckland Transport and Waitemata Local Board on 2 June.
A community day and official opening for the pump track is planned for later in the year when everyone involved can be officially thanked and a plaque unveiled to acknowledge all the generous benefactors. The track is an excellent example of what can be achieved in partnership with the local board through the community-led small build programme.
Do you have ideas for projects and initiatives that the Waitemata Local Board could support and fund?
Now is the opportunity to give feedback on the draft Local Board Plan. The plan sets out the board’s priorities over the next three years.
There are a variety of ways to have your say on the Waitemata draft Local Board Plan; online, in person, by post, by email, via social media or at an event. Details on Feedback is due by 30 June. (PIPPA COOM)
Contact Pippa Coom, Chair of Waitamata Local Board:,