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PHI Therapy offers healing techniques to locals

There are so many types of massage - how do you decide which to offer? We have divided our services into two parts; the stress reliever is designed for a quick boost for office workers during their break time, which helps to reduce tension and stress.

The amazing healer is very popular choice for clients, combining the benefits of relaxation, deep tissue, and hot stone massage to reduce stress, pain and soreness.

Our remedial soft tissue therapy is suitable for clients who have a definite diagnosis from their Doctor. This helps with chronic back pain, frozen shoulders, and muscle ligament stiffness after orthopedic surgery.

How often should one have a massage?

Twice a month will definitely help to maintain soft tissue which helps your whole wellbeing. Even 20-minute sessions once a week will make a difference.

Reflexology is a very powerful treatment - tell us more about what it can help with?

Nerve function: Reflexology has been connected with stimulating more than 7,000 different nervous endings in a single session, thereby increasing their function and reactivity.

Energy level: Reflexology can increase metabolism and energy creation processes within the body. If you need a boost in energy or are always feeling sluggish, perhaps a reflexology session can help put some pep back in your step!

Toxin Removal: Reflexology has been shown to improve bladder function and to reduce urinary tract issues.

Cancer Relief: Although reflexology isn’t connected directly to curing cancer, it has been known to ease the side effects of cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy. It helps these patients sleep, it reduces anxiety, and also reduces the chances of vomiting or other indigestion issues that are commonly experienced.

Pregnancy and Menstruation: Beyond that, due to many of the health benefits already outlined above, it can reduce the chances of depression and can also help a woman’s body heal itself faster and get back to its normal metabolic activity more quickly.

Tell us about your team and their backgrounds?


Baron was a registered physiotherapist and massage therapist in China. He graduated from the New Zealand College of Massage and has six years physiotherapist working experience and seven years massage therapist experience. He is an experienced clinical practitioner with muscular knowledge specialising in deep tissue and sports massage.


Season was a registered physio nurse and ICU nurse in Taiwan. Season was a physio nurse for four years who trained in Australia and now has three years massage therapist experience.

She specialises in deep tissue treatment, shoulder back pain, sports massage, hot stone massage, pregnancy massage, and reflexology. She uses strong techniques for treating soft tissue issues.


Vivian is a Master of Chinese internal medicine. She trained at the New Zealand College of Massage as well. She has four years working experience as a Chinese medicine doctor and two years massage therapist experience. She is an amazing alternative medicine healer. She specialises in

relaxation massage, deep tissue treatment and pregnancy massage.


Kim Lee has 14 years massage therapist and reflexologist. He specialises in the chi balancing reflexology, acupressure, and deep tissue massage.


Samuel was a registered physiotherapist and senior massage therapist in China. He is trained as a New Zealand registered remedial massage therapist, tutored by a seventh generation successor of Shi's Chinese medicine. Samuel is experienced in remedial techniques and offers relief to those suffering from long term soft tissue problems, long term low back pain, frozen shoulders, sciatica and muscle stiffness after orthopedic surgeries.

PHI THERAPY, 9/4 Williamson Avenue, T: 09 378 9089, www.phitherapy.co.nz

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