Sally Mabelle is now teaching the 'Dances of Universal Peace' in Ponsonby at the Auckland Unitarian Church. She says people can attend dance events throughout the summer.
For more information contact, E: or on M: 021 0222 8782
'Peace and goodwill to all is the Christmas message' says Laurie Ross, a veteran peace activist and teacher of the dances for many years. Laurie is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Nuclear Free New Zealand. She says 2017 is even more important because of the United Nations Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty agreed to by 122 nations. New Zealand was in the vanguard of the treaty negotiation process which was signed in September.
The Treaty was spearheaded by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN) which mobilised sufficient political will, to achieve this goal. It was based on revealing the unbearable suffering for millions of civilians, that would result from any use of nuclear weapons, for whom there would be no humanitarian aid.
Knowing the horrific consequences of nuclear weapons means they must be banned before it is too late. ICAN has been recognised for its outstanding contribution and received the Nobel Peace Prize this month in Oslo Norway for their work.
For more information, contact Laurie or on 09 818 0696.