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Only one more year until we can be rid of Sage

Only one more year until we can be rid of Sage

I recall the distress of our community at the inauguration of the Waitematā Local Board. Genevieve Sage, flanked by her husband Michael, espoused her vision, nowhere near realised in my opinion, for the chairmanship of the board

Of course, Sage only became the Chair because she voted against the wishes of her C&R team, the team she campaigned with, the same team we voters ensured had a majority on election day.  

Since the inauguration we have seen repeated Letters to the Editor expressing frustration at her ability as a Chair and the disregard she has had for the team that got her elected. I understand Sage is no longer a member of Communities and Residents. 

Good! That doesn't stop Sage's continued lack of judgment, the latest example of which was filing another Code of Conduct Complaint against Sarah Trotman. Sage probably rode on Trotman's coat tails and reputation to get herself elected.

Again, Sage's complaint was dismissed. I understand with a reminder that Sage needs to get a thick skin. Word is, her issue was Trotman's last article in Ponsonby News. It was a considered summary of the frustrations our community experienced with the long drawn out, poor process of the Olympic Pool lease and a call for better stewardship of our important community assets.

Thank you to Local Board Member Sarah Trotman for advocating for, and listening to, our community (yet again)!  
Regards, J Phillips

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