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News from Ponsonby U3A

Gardens and gardening have always been a huge interest in the life of this much loved and respected former Epsom Girls Grammar teacher. For the past 22 years Joy has been convenor of the U3A Green Fingers special interest group. This year she has decided to step down from her leadership role - however, it is staying in the family as her cousin Joce Glucina (their grandmothers were sisters) is taking over as convenor. Joce is also a long-time Herne Bay resident and U3A member and is a former pupil of Joy’s at EGGS.

Robyn Brady from NZ Red Cross was guest speaker at the February meeting. She gave a short history of the powerful international and Geneva Law-recognised symbol of the Red Cross/Red Crescent. She discussed various local Red Cross activities such as Meals on Wheels, refugee programmes, first aid in schools and Disaster Welfare Response, including the recent Kaikoura earthquake. She also talked about off-shoot programmes stemming from Physiological First Aid, from Disaster Welfare Response and post traumatic stress programmes for refugees, as well as the work undertaken by New Zealand doctors, nurses and aid workers worldwide.

Our Own Backyard was the title of Diana Bailey’s inspiring 10-minute talk on her explorations of the South Island in the 20 years since she first walked the Milford Track. Her experiences have been shared with family and friends and have included many walks such as the Routeburn Track and a six-day Fiordland cruise. More recently she undertook a bike trail ride with her grandchildren. She talked about the beauty of the scenery from majestic mountains to small bubbling streams with moss covered rocks - leaving her in no doubt that it is nature in charge. She also acknowledged the question of whether tourists should help pay for the use of DOC huts. In recent years she has avoided heavy backpacks but says she still manages to find wild and wonderful places to explore. Her next foray south includes Erewhon Station and the area of Cass.

Ponsonby U3A meets monthly on the second Friday morning of the month at the Herne Bay Petanque Club. Its 19 special interest groups, offering members a wide range of topics and activities, meet mainly in members’ homes. Visitors are welcome to attend a monthly meeting at the Petanque Club and are asked to telephone president Collene Roche if they wish to attend.

Guest speaker for the March meeting will be eye specialist Dr Stephen Best - ‘Glaucoma’ (PHILIPPA TAIT)

NEXT MEETING: 10am, Friday 10 March at Herne Bay Petanque Club,
Salisbury Street Reserve, Herne Bay

ENQUIRIES: Collene Roche, President, Ponsonby U3A. T: 09 373 3277; www.u3aponsonby.org.nz

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