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New Zealand and Pacific Region Arts @ Auckland Art Fair

Mutt gallery of Santiago, Chile, will showcase its first exhibition on New Zealand soil at this year’s fair.

Mutt describes itself as a nomadic gallery, providing spaces where exhibitions of great artists take place. These spaces are regularly held in areas set for demolition and give them a new lease of life by dressing them with vibrant artwork. Their installations are always held in central locations close to the public, in order to stay on the pulse of contemporary art and reach new audiences.

Artist Tan Vargas, a graduate of fine arts, will represent the gallery at Auckland Art Fair. Vargas has held a number of residencies and internships throughout Chile, America, Thailand and two in New Zealand. His exhibitions span from 2001 to 2015 and have been held worldwide in Chile, America, Argentina, Spain and New Zealand.

Vargas’ artwork is eye catching and uses bold colour combinations to explore themes of nature, animals, male and female characters and automotives, often intertwining these to create depth and dimension.

A online portfolio of Vargas’ work can be found here www.tanvargas.com

AUCKLAND ART FAIR at The Cloud on Queen’s Wharf. Tickets are available online at www.artfair.co.nz/buy-tickets

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