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Meet the Teacher - Angela Lane

Aren’t all teachers “within school teachers”?

Haha - yes. But this is a specific role as part of the Community of Learning. My role will be to focus on promoting best teaching practice within my school focusing on literacy. I’ll also work directly with other teachers including those who come from other schools in the Kāhui Ako to help identify and respond to challenges in practice and support all our local schools’ objectives.

How long have you been teaching?
I’ve been a teacher for over 29 years. I’ve taught in a variety of schools with students with multi-cultural as well as diverse backgrounds and experiences and taught for many years at Mt Roskill Intermediate. I also taught at Pt Chevalier, Westmere, Gladstone and Pasadena Intermediate when my children were younger.

I hear that you are a student as well as a teacher.
Yes - I’m a great believer in professional development and ongoing learning after completing my Bachelor of Education in my late 30’s and subsequently my Honours in Education in my mid 40’s. I’d encourage others to continue their professional development whenever possible. In fact my son was in his first year of his degree when I was completing my Post Grad. Two students in the house was very interesting! We ended up sharing notes and ideas, which was great.

What do you do in your free time?
I’m an avid walker and love getting out and about in my local neighbourhood and enjoyed walking the Waitakere Ranges before kauri die-back hit. On my bucket list is to trek all the Great Walks of New Zealand. I’ve managed five of the nine so I’m getting there and walking poles make it easier!

So you are close to the environment?
I’m big on being an eco-warrior. If something can be recycled, repurposed or reused, I’m finding a use for it. My family roll their eyes when bags of clothes, books, shoes and knick-knacks collected from friends come home with me. But I know there’s another home for them so I’ll keep on collecting. I live near a beach so don’t mind picking up rubbish.

Do you live locally?
Yes, I’ve lived in Pt Chevalier for 30 years and our children have been schooled locally at Pt Chevalier Primary, Ponsonby Intermediate and Western Springs College. Both are now adults, graduated from Auckland University and work in Central Auckland. My husband is a Senior Station Officer with Fire and Emergency and works locally too. My family have been very supportive of my teaching career and have spent many a weekend setting up classrooms, stapling posters to walls and helping out on school trips and camps.

Did you grow up here?
I’m a first generation New Zealander myself. My Tongan mother and English father emigrated here and made New Zealand their home in the 60’s. So with my brother and sisters, we had an awesome childhood typical of a Kiwi family with a twist! We definitely spent most of our childhood outside exploring and making friends.

Have you lived anywhere else?
I’ve been lucky enough to have travelled and lived overseas in Canada with my family seeing a different view of education when my children attended school there. From that perspective, I know I’m grateful for our New Zealand system, which is far more innovative and exciting.


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