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Major Makeover For Grey Lynn RSC

Anzac Day is the biggest of the year for returned Services Clubs and Grey Lynn had a good turnout last month with local MPs Nikki Kaye and Jacinda Ardern and new labour candidate for Auckland Central, Helen White. Our friend Gerry Hill, suffering from multiple sclerosis gave a speech.

The Club is proud of the painting of the outside walls and the back wall of the carpark. All is spray painted - not a brush in sight. The bush and native bird scene on the back wall of the carpark represents the tranquility of the New Zealand service people left to fight for abroad. Then along the walls near the main entrance Dan and DLT have painted a Kittyhawk plane and a mounted rifleman on his horse. Both are beautiful pieces of art.

The Grey Lynn RSC is steeped in the history of the merchant navy, and became a Returned Services Club (rather than Returned Services Association) because RSAs placed too many conditions on who could join. The GLRSC took in some of those excluded by the RSA and allowed others in the community to join. They are a genuine local community, with a new dinner menu provided by the famous Jimmy the Fish, Thursday to Sunday, which will always contain his signature dish, crème caramel. The club also features a huge range of local musical talent week by week.

The artwork and repaint has transformed the place. Visitors on Anzac Day were full of praise for the work, including the newly planted gardens.

Ponsonby News congratulates The Grey Lynn RSC on their refurbishments, and hopes it means new members, regular attendance, and that the local community uses and values this iconic venue. (JOHN ELLIOTT)


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