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Living the good life lifestyle, sport and fitness

Spring has sprung, with the tears and joys of Rio, the tally of medals, that pure inspiration. Let’s seize the moment. Here are a few thoughts and health tips to get a little spring back into your step.

Warrant of Fitness for your body
Osteopathic treatment is not just about treatment for acute pain - commonly called treating the client at ‘the bottom of the cliff’. Around 70% of our clients that come into our clinic are aware of the need to maintain and come every quarter for a ‘check in’ and a rebalance. That’s right across the spectrum - mums, children, athletes and especially into the ‘golden years’. Regularly we’ve noticed how recovery from injury is faster for those patients that observe this protocol. You wof your car, why not your body?

During the winter months you will notice a few more aches and joint stiffness but the regular use of hot and cold treatment packs, good quality linaments rubbed in every night, gentle stretching and mobility exercises advised by your practitioner will pinpoint those spots. Spring is the perfect opportunity to build new muscle and healthy tissue to support those areas. Along with warmer weather, this means less aches, heightened energy with more sunlight hours. Let your osteopath be your guide and create a safe regime specifically for your return back to full health.

We find that clients don’t realise that they have areas of tightness or restriction or, if they do, then they are sure it will just go away. If only that were true! As the spring days begin to lengthen, take a stroll, stretch, release off the winter hibernation and get those knots to a good practitioner.

Lifestyle - a composite of motivation, needs and wants influenced by culture, family, social and community groups
In my field, I find more and more clients recognising the importance of time off; giving your mind and body a breather. Hanging out on your own or with family. We all know the ‘buzzwords’ mindfulness, juicing, reducing sugars and introducing good fats and oils.

Sport and fitness
I’m lucky, I genuinely enjoy exercise and movement. I have a go go go body, my partner does not! It’s a funny old world; some of us are genetically ‘keyed’ to exercise and others have to really try. As you take your stroll, think about swinging your arms, lengthening your stride, squeeze your butt muscles, lift your head, deepen your breath, walk as though no one is watching.

A quote from the founder of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still: “The work of the osteopath is to adjust the abnormal to the normal, and health is the result of the normal condition.”

An update from ACC
Following my August Ponsonby News article with regard to ACC, I received a very helpful update and clarification from Chelsea Blair, from ACC.

• A person can seek treatment for an accident at any time. However, claims lodged over 12 months after the accident do go through a more rigorous cover process to ensure there is enough information to support a correlation between accident and injury.

• A person’s claim is active for as long as the injury remains, it does not stop at 12 months. Any questions simply call ACC or your ACC Health Care Provider.
(Sarah-Jane Attias)

Disclaimer: This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a specific health problem you should seek advice from an appropriate registered health care provider. Living Osteopathy is a Primary Health Care Provider registered with ACC and the OCNZ. Living Osteopathy does not accept any liability other than to its clients.

LIVING OSTEOPATHY, 29 Scanlan Street, T: 09 361 1147,

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