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Letter to the Editor: The Leys Institute Library to our community

Letter to the Editor: The Leys Institute Library to our community

Please re open Leys Institute. I would be happy to sign a waiver to utilise the building (in case it collapsed in an earthquake in Auckland).

Walking past this magnificent building daily, it is looking unkempt, unwashed, forgotten and left to degrade into a state of disrepair.

I have lived in Ponsonby all of my life. I spent afternoons doing homework, attending holiday programmes and with my children Wriggle and Rhyme and gymnastics.

Leys Institute was an incredible hub of activity and gave us a strong sense of belonging. We would eagerly look at the notice board to see what activities were on locally or being hosted there.

If it continues to sit, urban explorers will be in there causing destruction and then the historic Ponsonby building will be demolished.

Please reopen Leys Institute Library to our community and let me sign a waiver in case of an earthquake.


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