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Launch of West Lynn & Grey Lynn going Plastic Bag free on worldwide Plastic Bag free Day 1 July

Why are we doing this?

New Zealanders use around 1.6 billion single-use plastic bags every year, which are used for an average of 20 minutes each, but last for hundreds of years. They end up in landfills, as litter, or even worse – in our oceans. They can choke and strangle marine animals, and as they break down, enter our food chain where fish swallow them. It is hard to recycle plastic bags. Recycling may hold off some of the problem, but it does not eradicate it. Recent developments are encouraging with Richmond Road Countdown having gone plastic bag free on 21 May, and other big retailers following closely. By making Grey Lynn plastic bag free we will be joining a growing number of communities around New Zealand (and the world!) who don’t want to be part of this global pollution epidemic.
When will this happen?

The launch was held on Sunday 1 July. And from then on, many retailers are signing up to keep the village plastic bag free.

What would we use instead of plastic bags?

We’re working hard to provide several alternatives:
1. Branded Plastic Bag Free Grey Lynn re-usable bags will be available around the village. Retailers can sell them for a small profit. Let us know if you’re interested in retailing them in-store.
2. A huge number of fabric bags will be available to borrow (and then return) if people have forgotten to bring a reusable bag. We are working out where in the village these will be - let us know if you want some to be available in your premises.
3. Many retailers already use boxes/paper bags and sell or giveaway their own re-usable bags.
4. We encourage customers to “Bring Your Own Bag” (BYO Bag).

What you and businesses can do to help?

1. Go plastic bag free.
2. If you’re not quite ready to remove plastic bags long term yet you can still be involved after launch day. You could charge for plastic bags, only give out a plastic bag if it’s requested, or only provide one for a certain number of items. We can provide a poster for your window stating your plastic bag policy, and a smaller version for your tills. We can also provide bags for you to sell, and fabric reusable bags for people to borrow and bring back.

What will happen on launch day?

On the 1st of July we will be holding an event at the Grey Lynn Community Centre to launch and support Plastic Bag Free Grey Lynn. There will be activities like making Origami paper bin liners, and information for people to find out what’s happening, branded re-usable bags for sale, and some VIP guests. You can take part in awesome raffles and some spot prizes. The plastic bag free Grey Lynn Farmers Market will have its delicious food available and some live music.

Who do I contact about this?

If you have any questions or ideas, please email Brigitte Sistig GL2030 on greylynn2030@gmail.com or email Jacob Faull GLBA at jacob@naturebaby.com


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