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Joy Carter BA, BSc. Long-time Herne Bay Resident turns 96

Joy’s career at EGGS began in 1945, teaching maths and science. She also kept the flower beds tidy and attractive with help from student volunteers at lunchtimes. In 1961 she was the first woman to be awarded a Woolf Fisher Travel Award to study overseas. The following year she was appointed Deputy Head Mistress, a position she held until her youthful retirement in 1973.

She was active in the Girl Guide movement and continued this for many years in her retirement. She enjoyed overseas travel, croquet, cycling, and for 45 years arranged flowers at her church, All Saints Church, Ponsonby. Joy belongs to the Camellia Society and has a long association with Eden Gardens.

Imagine my surprise when I retired and went to my first meeting of Ponsonby U3A to find a face I knew well - Joy Carter. It was fitting that she celebrated her 96th birthday on Friday 10 February this year by attending the regular monthly U3A meeting.

Joy is one of only three current members who was at the inaugural U3A meeting in 1994. She joined the U3A Local History Special Interest group which started that day. Her love of gardening inspired her to start a garden group, Green Fingers, which she convened for over 22 years until last December. During her time with U3A she has been president, a trustee, and an active committee member.

For many years she hosted an annual garden party for members in her beautiful Clifton Road garden. She has lived there since the mid 1940s in what was originally the gardener’s cottage of her parents’ large home 'Craigmore' in Argyle Street.

The property on several acres of land also boasted a creamery and horse stables. The woodshed, a glasshouse and a well are still sitting at the back of her property which she bought from her parents. Later in 1958 she sold half of her land to her sister and brother-in-law Ngawini and Tom Smallfield (also U3A members since the inaugural meeting) where they built their home, raised four children and lived next to Joy until early last year.

Joy’s nephew Murray Smallfield and family hosted a garden party celebration on Saturday 11 February, bringing together people from different areas of her life - family, U3A friends and EGGS old girls.

It was a glorious day and guests sat in the shade of trees and gazebos, met new people, caught up with old friends, enjoyed a drink and food, and a few energetic younger people played croquet.

Every flower deserves its day in the sun and Friday 10 and Saturday 11 February were Joy’s days. (NOELINE CREIGHTON)

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