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Jan Hewitt and Jimi

Jan now works part time at Ponsonby News. She says, “We never thought of ourselves as animal lovers but love the dynamics that a pet brings to the household.”

How old is Jimi?
Jimi turned two on 29 August.

What breed is Jimi?
Jimi is a British Shorthair, but what makes him quite unusual is his colouring. He is a Blue Seal Point.

How long have you had Jimi?
We selected Jimi when he was four weeks old and then had to wait until he was nine weeks before we could bring him home.

How did you come to chose him?
We previously had two British Shorthair cats from the same breeder who died at 18 years. Around the time they died we chose to give Stu’s daughter a cat for her 30th birthday so went back to the same breeder. When collecting Julia’s cat the breeder introduced us to Jimi and it was all over - we fell in love.

How did Jimi get his name?
Stu named him after Jimi Hendrix. Besides being called Jimi he does get called many variations of this and having had Gus and Ping for so many years he is often called by their names - it is a wonder he doesn’t have a personality disorder.

What is your favourite thing to do together?
Hang out. Jimi loves company and will always appear wherever we are - inside or out in the garden. The breed are very dog like in their behaviour so he will simply follow us around the house as we go about our business. Also Jimi is very affectionate so we love our cuddles!

Does Jimi have any friends?
Jimi has a best friend Badger (a ragdoll / seal point mix) who lives at the end of the street. For a while they were inseparable until it became a bit of a problem, as Badger started to think our house was his and was eating all Jimi’s food. They are adorable together.

What does Jimi like to eat?
Unlike my previous cats who dined on whatever we ate, Jimi is extremely fussy and will only eat dry food. I try and tempt him with all sorts of delicious treats to no avail.

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