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It’s never too late to join the sustainability party

It’s never too late to join the sustainability party

The countdown to summer is on along with the festive barbecues, get togethers and picnics that come with it.

This year, don’t detract from the joy of having fun with friends by stuffing bin liners full of plastic plates and cups. Here’s why partying sustainably might be easier than you think.

Silicone bakeware is everyone’s friend
It’s out with greaseproof paper and tin foil and in with silicone muffin trays and baking sheets. Silicone is heat durable, non stick, reusable and does not shed microplastics. Just be careful to keep your bakeware away from sharp utensils. Any silicone that’s reached the end of its life can be dropped to ecostore’s shop at 1 Scotland Street, to be sent off for recycling with their friends at Munch Cupboard.

TIP: If you let your goodies cool on silicone baking sheets, they won’t crisp up. Transfer anything you want to crunch onto a wire rack straight away.

Single-use has had its day
Understandably, most people don’t feel great about using single-use plastics – especially when they can’t be recycled. Why not minimise the need for crockery and cutlery by serving finger foods that can be served on real plates? And for drinks, opt for cans instead of big bottles to share. Not only is aluminium one of the easiest materials to recycle, cans eliminate the need for cups altogether. And if you’re going to use single-use napkins, opt for sustainable materials like bamboo and sugarcane.

TIP: Look for pretty second-hand china and old fashioned serving utensils in your local op shop and then wash and store your unique party ware for next time.

Clean-ups can be ecofriendly too
If you’ve just hosted the perfect planet-friendly party, the last thing you want to do is spray harmful chemicals around afterwards. We like ecostore’s Multi-purpose Cleaner to wipe down any surfaces, because it’s plant and mineral based and the bottle can be refilled with a concentrate you water down yourself at home.

TIP: Invest in your own sustainable cleaning pack. Consider washable copper cloths for pots and pans, wooden dish brushes and compostable dish cloths.

The ultimate sustainable summer party
Ecostore is having its very own party, from 10am on November 24 at the shop at 1 Scotland Street in Freemans Bay.

Join in the fun to explore great deals on a wide range of sustainable products. There’ll be face painters, popcorn, exclusive deals on products and the opportunity to create your own ecostore label (just in time for Christmas gifting).

ECOSTORE, 1 Scotland Street, Freemans Bay, T: 09 360 8477, www.ecostore.co.nz

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