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It’s been a decade of service at All Saints Early Learning Centre

It’s been a decade of service at All Saints Early Learning Centre

This year, All Saints Early Learning Centre (ELC) Ponsonby, is proud to celebrate a decade of service from Head Teacher, Rachel Hughes

During this period, the ELC has evolved into a rich, creative, holistic, community-focused learning environment where children can flourish, says Rachel.

In addition to Rachel’s significant contribution to the ELC, Chairperson Garrick Wynne is thrilled to announce that Rachel has recently attained a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education. Rachel’s PhD focused on the significant role that a loving early childhood teacher can make in fostering children’s flourishing in an ELC environment, in close partnership with parents and whānau. Rachel’s PhD beautifully aligns with the ELC’s core values and philosophy, says Garrick. Rachel’s accomplishment also reflects her commitment to lifelong learning and highlights the integral relationship between a loving teacher and a flourishing child.

On reflection of her 10 years with the ELC, Rachel says it has been a privilege to serve her local community in a not-for-profit ELC setting.

The ELC is also introducing exciting changes to their operational schedule in response to the growing needs of our community and whānau. The ELC is now open year-round with a short closure period over Christmas and New Year, says Garrick. The ELC is also applying to extend its daily operating hours to offer two new session times: 8.30am to 1.00pm, or 8.30am to 3.30pm.

To celebrate Rachel’s achievements, the ELC is hosting an open day on Saturday 19 October from 9.30 am to 12 noon, for past, present and prospective children of the ELC and their whānau.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Rachel and her fellow teachers for their service to our community over the past 10 years and for making the ELC the special place it is.

All Saints Early Learning Centre, 264 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 376 0353, www.allsaintselc.co.nz

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