According to Auckland Council calculations, the average urban tree is worth only $2.53 per annum.
"It’s no wonder developers, private individuals, Auckland Council and CCOs destroy trees without hesitation," comments Wendy Gray, tree advocate.
She adds: "Note that the figures are based on 18% canopy cover as of 2013. The Tree Council’s surveys show a slaughter of one third of our urban trees in the past four years. That’s approximately 1,545,120 trees. So the figure is less than 12% cover, reducing daily. We’re nearly completely bald!"
Auckland Council’s Strategy for Auckland’s Urban Forest, due to be presented to AC’s Environment and Community meeting on February 20, aims to address the problem.
Gray comments "The real problem is CCOs and council just do not value our trees. AC’s figures are completely out of line with other cities. Adelaide values its trees at an average of $188 each, Melbourne at $928. And London’s valuation is a whopping $1020 per tree annually!"
Other cities value their trees for multiple benefits but Auckland calculates only four. Other cities recognise the capital value of trees for their amenity services. For example, London’s 2014 project ‘Valuing London’s Urban Forest’ put the capital value of its trees at over GBP 43 billion ($81 billion). We do not value amenity.
"I think Aucklanders would be shocked to learn that their elected council values our trees so pitifully low. A $2.53 average means than even a magnificent, veteran tree that everyone loves may be worth less than $10 per annum. That can’t be right.
"The result is wholesale destruction of trees in our beautiful city. And there are signs it’s accelerating. Auckland’s urban trees are in crisis: there are now so few, every loss counts." Says Gray turning to an example close to many people’s hearts. "When you have a full head of hair, you don’t mind losing a few. But when you’re balding, every hair counts!
"Trees are vitally important to growing cities. They provide a number of critical key functions, are often forgotten and undervalued," says Waitemata Local Board member, Rob Thomas.
He continues, "As air temperature increases, due to climate change, and the city builds more impervious surfaces, our cities will become hot boxes and difficult to live in.
"We’ve got to stop destroying our trees. What’s the point of planting a million new trees when we’re cutting down thousands of valuable, established trees? We need to recognise the problem. Then, with Government’s assistance, we need a moratorium. We’ve got to take stock and value our trees properly. We have to educate everyone - and that’s from council to individual Aucklanders. But we’ve got to stop cutting down trees. Now."