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Inspiration and dreams

Kanav Reddu - Year 5: “What I love about art is creativity and imagination. People say I am good at graffiti, for me it’s the best part about making art - just for the sake of being appreciated. I like sketching and the best thing to use is a normal everyday pencil because it is easy and does not need to be organised.

“When it comes to using a computer people might call me ignorant, but using technology for art is just plain boring; why do it virtually when you can do it for real.

“I like making up characters and then sketching them. I also like sketching World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) superstars. The best sketch I have ever made is of a fake wrestler called Chris Danger, the man I dream of being when I grow up (I used my face to sketch it) I want to be a WWE wrestler.

“It took us two weeks to prepare for the art exhibition. It was a good achievement and to be honest it felt really good to be in it. My parents were very proud of me, it was a great moment.”

Raj Minarob - Year 6: “Art is a big part of my life. It helps me to achieve my dreams. God gave us this amazing talent of creativity. My favourite part of art is sketching. I use sharp pencils and charcoals and love to use paint. Before you sketch you must have a plan. I use the computer to search for images until I find ideas I’m happy with. I really like sketching nature, animals and landscapes. Mother Nature is so beautiful.

“I felt nervous about the exhibition in case people didn’t like my work. My dad and brother came to see my work. They were proud of me which made me realise I have a talent in painting. For our stage production Jonah and the Whale, I helped create the big banner for the town called Ninevah. It included sky, an island and the town with Ninevah written across it. We sketched it then painted it. We worked hard to be creative as possible.

“My dream is to become an architect and create houses and gardens. I just want to draw and paint! My parents would like me to be an artist one day. If I do they will be very proud. I just want my parents to be happy with my dreams.”

Lilyana Ulutaufonua - Year 8: “What I love about creating art is using it to help me express the way I feel. It also helps me become confident in who I am. Art is everything - people are art, God created us that way. The reason I love using colours is because colour is everywhere. Colour is what we use to express our cultural world and where we live.

“I use a computer but only for pictures and step by step drawings. What I like about using the computer for is the art videos that show us the different ways of drawing, and breaking it down. I like to draw people. I love to draw the beautiful features we have and are thankful for. If it wasn’t for God none of us would exist.

“The exhibition didn’t feel weird at all; it was normal and I was happy that my work was displayed to show people that art is one of my hobbies. I want to travel around the world not for fame, but to seek the different ways people live their life and to be able to help those in need. I want to become successful in my work and to inspire others.”


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