“Yuan Gong is simple to learn and easy to practice. Like a gentle moving meditation, the enjoyable exercises include non-strenuous, free flowing and natural movements. By combining body movements, breathing and mind activities, practitioners can achieve increased energy, mental clarity and emotional stability, as well as improved physical health,” says organizer Verena Jonker.
The Yuan Gong system was designed by Yuan Tze, a renowned Chinese Qigong Master based in Wellington. The Yuan Gong methodology is now taught all over the world and has had extraordinary results on improving people’s health and wellbeing.
Peer-reviewed research on Qigong reports benefits to very specific aspects of health, including anxiety, blood pressure, immune function and even bone density. MD Anderson Cancer Center and Sloan Kettering have on-going Qigong programs to improve “quality of life” in cancer patients.
Yuan Gong teachers from around New Zealand, who were trained directly by Qigong Master Yuan Tze, will guide the three-day retreat in the beautiful environment of the Bella Rakha Retreat Centre.
“The retreat is ideal for beginners as well as those with some qigong experience,” says Verena. “Our experienced teachers will provide full instructions and plenty of support for people who are interested in beginning or deepening their journey of positive transformation”.
“Leading up to the event, we will also be holding two FREE events where people have the opportunity to learn more about Yuan Gong Qigong and the retreat direct from our teachers,” adds Verena.
Dorrie van Roij, Yuan gong teacher and holistic lifestyle coach, will talk about “A Stress Free LIfe - the holistic Way” on Thursday March 1st at 7pm at Hobsonville Point Secondary School.
Jay Glubb a Yuan Gong teacher from Dunedin, will hold an Introduction to Yuan Gong talk with healing meditation on Sunday March 11th at 6pm at the Auckland Horticultural Centre, 990 Great North Rd. (Opposite Western Springs)
In the meantime, for more information about the retreat, or to register for the event, click here. (Register before Feb 25th for Earlybird discount.)
When: Friday 23 – Sunday 25 March
Where: Bella Rakha Retreat Centre, Oratia
Who: Verena Jonker, Yuan Gong/Qi Gong teacher based in Mount Albert
Register: www.renxueaustralasia.org/auckland-yuan-gong-retreat-2018.html
Contact Info: northernyuangong@gmail.com, 021 683 339