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Hadley Pegden and Maverick

How old is Maverick?
Maverick is still very much a little pup, he is just 13 weeks old. He has some big paws on him though, so will definitely be a big boy once grown to his full adult size.

What breed is he?
Chow Chow (Songshi Quan).

How long have you had Maverick?
I got him just as he turned eight weeks old, when he was flown up from breeders in Christchurch. I had been on a waiting list for about 18 months - he definitely has been worth the wait.

How did you come to chose him?
I have always been a fan of the Chow Chow breed, with their interesting story of having been the model for Buddhist temple guard dogs. The bonus was that here in New Zealand they are very rare. Having Maverick as an unusual breed of dog has been great, he is definitely something you don’t see walking down the road every day. He has a great relaxed and mellow temperament which has made life a lot easier.

How did Maverick get his name?
It was a struggle finding a name that was different, I wanted an old-fashioned name that matched his sense of uniqueness but the name also had to be masculine. After being told we had secured him, I was watching an old Mel Gibson movie where the name popped up. From that point onwards he was Maverick. Top Gun also helped back the decision.

What is your favourite thing to do together?
Before we go into the shops for the day, we get up and go for a big walk on the shore along Milford beach through to Takapuna. This is a pretty special place to take him as the views are stunning. It’s a good way to reset and start off each day, weather permitting.

Does Maverick have any friends?
Yes, he definitely does. As soon as he came into Threads Store, he met Cedric the local pug. He also has a few other friends over on the North Shore, like Astro the Husky from NZ Muscle. On his morning walks he meets his fair share of local dogs, plus he has a good little following on his Instagram, @Maverickthechow.

What does Maverick like to eat?
He loves his raw mince - the breeders raised him on a pasta and mince diet. So we have kept to that while he’s growing - which is very fast - but will look at switching him across to dry food soon.

Threads Premium Streetwear Store, 3/130 Ponsonby Road, T: 09 214 9053,

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